Research Pharmaceuticals and Intermediates

Pharmaceuticals are useful tools for mechanism of action studies in many ways. Besides being enzyme inhibitors, receptor agonists or antagonists, channel blockers, neurotransmitters themselves, they are used to compare and define other emerging compounds for their prospective applications.

  • Group 1
  • Group 2
  • Group 3
  • Group 4
  • Group 5
  • Group 6
  • Others
  • Group 4

    Structure Details
    Product Name: Tramadol hydrochloride
    Order number: 100970
    CAS: 36282-47-0
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C16H26ClNO2
    MW: 299.839
    MP: 180-181 (M.I.) oC

    Tramadol inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, and also weakly binds to mu-opioid receptors, blocking pain signals to the brain.
    Product Name: Hydrocortisone-17-valerate
    Order number: 100989
    CAS: 57524-89-7
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C26H38O6
    MW: 446.584
    MP: n.a. oC

    Hydrocortisone binds to the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor.
    Product Name: Hydrocortisone acetate
    Order number: 101009
    CAS: 50-03-3
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C23H32O6
    MW: 404.503
    MP: n.a. oC

    It stops inflammation by blocking cell buildup, phagocytosis, and enzyme release.
    Product Name: 16a-Hydroxyprednisolone
    Order number: RT-R06-403/R07-410
    CAS: 13951-70-7
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C21H28O6
    MW: 376.449
    MP: n.a. oC

    This substance inhibits phospholipase A2 and blocks NF-Kappa B and other inflammatory transcription factors; further it promotes anti-inflammatory genes like interleukin-10.
    Product Name: D,L-Dihydroorotic acid
    Order number: RT-R1-155
    CAS: 6202-10--4
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C5H6N2O4
    MW: 158.113
    MP: n.a. oC

    This is a racemic mixture of L and D isomers of dihydroorotic acid.
    Product Name: L-Dihydroorotic acid
    Order number: RT-R1-168
    CAS: 5988-19-2
    Purity: >=95%
    Appearance: solid
    MF: C5H6N2O4
    MW: 158.113
    MP: 254 oC

    L-Dihydroorotic acid exists in living organisms. It is implicated in the metabolic disorder called the beta-ureidopropionase deficiency pathway.